$322.00 USD

Akashic Record Level I


NOTE: We begin Feb 20, 2024
11am CST (Plan for 90 mins)
You will be emailed the Zoom link as the time get's closer!

This course is the entire beginner to intermediate guide to the Akashic Record and is everything I've learned from the past 5 years doing hundreds (probably thousands by now) readings. You do not need to know anything going into this course. After completing this course, you will know the entirety of how to read Akashic Record for yourself. You will learn:

- All about what the Akashic Record is and what it is not
-How to access the Record
- How to get information from the Record
- How to discern what is and is not accurate information
- The energy hygiene techniques to keep you protected and clear before, during and after
- So much more!

This is for anyone who wants to learn about their past lives, Karmic cycles, timelines and more!

If you want to read for others or read professionally, you will also need to take Akashic Record Level II course. The details for that course can be found at the end of this course!

*No refunds will be available as the material is all downloadable.