Welcome to The Your Soul Warrior Record

Here you will find courses filled with ancient wisdom, tips, tricks and more to help you uncover your psychic abilities, understand energy and live the life of your dreams.

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Guides on the Ground Coaching Program

Our group coaching program helps lightworkers unleash their skills and launch their businesses.

Soul Warrior Society Membership

This is an all encompassing resource for anyone wanting to pursue their soul mission, uncover their psychic gifts and learn more about Ascension.

Meet Your Guide

Meena is a Denver based Akashic Record reader, Channel and Coach. She helps lightworkers uncover their psychic abilities, understand how the Universe works and make a living pursuing their soul mission.

The 16 Levels of Spiritual Growth Ebook is out now!

Meena has discovered a very specific 16 step process to achieving Enlightenment. Read and find out what level you're currently experiencing.

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